Dr. Lindiwe Majele Sibanda is one of Africa’s leading advocates for food and nutrition security. As chief executive officer and head of mission of the Africa-wide Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), aimed at making Africa a food-secure region, she coordinates policy research and advocacy programs. She joined the CIMMYT Board in 2009 and will finish her appointment this month.
Upon awarding her a plaque in appreciation of her many contributions on 14 April, during the recent Board meetings in El Batán, Mexico, Board Chair Prof. John Snape called Sibanda, who grew up on a farm in Zimbabwe, an important voice on the Board. “She brought her views on African smallholder farmers and is well respected throughout the development world,” Snape said. “Her critical insights for CIMMYT governance, based on balanced and positive perspectives regarding the Center’s research-for-development agenda and the CGIAR, were always highly appreciated.”
Sibanda has long followed and supported CIMMYT’s work. We hope she will continue to do so through FANRPAN and her other numerous endeavors, and thank her and wish her well!