CIMMYT International Wheat Improvement Network (IWIN) international nurseries are sent to cooperators with unique, paper field books for each nursery set (or occurrence). Today, many cooperators also prefer to receive field books in electronic formats. This web page enables recipients of IWIN international nurseries to download these unique recipient-specific field books in Excel™ format of Microsoft Office, version 95.
Please do not change the unique file name(s) of download field books if you wish to return data to IWIN using these electronic files. Data should be sent to Efren Rodríguez (e.rodriguez@cgiar.org), or mailed to:
Efren Rodríguez
Seed Inspection and Distribution Unit
Apdo. Postal 6-641
06600 Mexico, D.F.
Several columns (e.g. Cross Name, Selection History, Origin, Plot) in the downloaded field book worksheets are “data protected” to prevent data change. This protection is essential if the files will be used to return to CIMMYT cooperator-collected phenotypic data. If you wish to extract data from these protected columns for manipulation in a spreadsheet, or import into a separate database, use the Edit-Copy-Paste routine in Excel.
Yield trials are sent using uniquely randomized second replications. The first replication of all yield trials is uniform, in entry order, for all sets (or occurrences). The second replication, however, is uniquely randomized per occurrence. It is therefore crucial that sets of seed and the accompanying fieldbooks are not interchanged, because each set has a specific 2nd replication randomization layout and, therefore, a specific fieldbook.
Each individual set of seed for a trial is given an “occurrence” or set number. Occurrence number refers to the number used to identify the seed set assigned or distributed to each cooperator and links to each specific randomization used. Thus if a cooperator sows more than one set at the same location, these sets will have the same location code, but a different occurrence number. Assure that the occurrence on the fieldbook matches the number on the seed envelopes. In case of a lost fieldbook, IWIN will generate a new one (on paper and electronic form) giving the same set or occurrence number that appears on the nursery seed packets.
Barley fieldbooks in IWIS were included with the cooperation of the ICARDA/CIMMYT Barley Improvement Program