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In 2018, CIMMYT continued to innovate and forge strategic alliances to combat malnutrition, tackle the effects of climate change and respond to emerging threats.
Building on the release of a new wheat genome reference map, our researchers more precisely tagged genes for valuable traits, including disease resistance, heat tolerance, and grain quality, in more than 40,000 CIMMYT wheat lines.
In collaboration with our partners, CIMMYT released 81 maize and 48 wheat varieties. More than 40,000 farmers, scientists and technical workers across the world took part in over 1,500 training and capacity development activities. CIMMYT researchers published 338 journal articles.
As the maize-hungry fall armyworm spreads from Africa to Southeast Asia, CIMMYT joined with more than 40 partners in an international consortium to advance research against the devastating insect pest.
CIMMYT used a scaling approach to extend the benefits of crop research to more farmers and consumers in developing countries in transformative and lasting ways. Smallholder farmers in Mexico, Pakistan and Zimbabwe are benefitting from the use of appropriate machinery and implements for efficient and climate-smart agriculture. A manual developed with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations offers technical and business advice for local entrepreneurs offering mechanized services, such as sowing or threshing, to smallholder farmers.
As part of taste tests in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania, consumers indicated their willingness to pay a premium for quality protein maize (QPM), which contains enhanced levels of the amino acids needed to synthesize protein.
A CIMMYT-led study on gender has explored the lives and viewpoints of 7,500 men and women from farming communities in 26 countries, providing invaluable information that will lead to better productivity and food security.
2018 showed us that the passion and values of staff and partners help CIMMYT to have major impact on the livelihoods of smallholders and the poor. This Annual Report pays tribute to them.
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