The 5th International Cereal Nematode Initiative (ICNI) Workshop was held in Ankara, Turkey, on 12-16 September 2015. During the opening ceremony, 70 representatives from 21 countries were welcomed by Ali Osman Sari, Deputy Director General, Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, Turkish Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL), Birol Akbas, Plant Health Department Head, MFAL, and Alexey Morgounov, Head, International Winter Wheat Improvement Program and CIMMYT-Turkey CLO.
During his opening speech, Sari gave a general presentation on MFAL and expressed his full support for workshop participants who tackle problems caused by cereal nematodes. Morgounov welcomed the participants and thanked donors for supporting the workshop. An invited speaker, Hafiz Muminjanov from FAO, gave a talk on FAO’s plant production and protection activities in Central Asia. Beverley Gogel, another invited speaker, presented the statistical analyses used in Australia to understand genotype by environment interaction in field and glasshouse experiments and determine the resistance of varieties to Pratylenchus. The next day, the third invited speaker, Hakan Ozkan, gave a presentation on using DNA molecular markers for disease resistance in plant breeding.
Workshop proceedings edited by Abdelfattah A. Dababat, Hafiz Muminjanov, and Richard Smiley were designed and printed by FAO and cover such subjects as biological management of nematodes, molecular techniques for nematode identification, cereal nematode biology and development, gene expression, and resistance. The quality of the scientific program and the participation of nematologists from various countries made for a highly successful meeting.

The conference was coordinated and organized by Abdelfattah Dababat, CIMMYT-Turkey nematologist, as part of the ICARDA CIMMYT Wheat Improvement Program (ICWIP), and funded by CIMMYT, MFAL, DuPont, Bisab, Dikmenfide, GRDC and Syngenta as the main donor.
The 6th International Cereal Nematode Symposium will be held in Morocco in 2017. The date and place will be posted on CIMMYT’s home page in the coming months. For more information, please contact Abdelfattah A. Dababat (a.dababat@cgiar.org) or Fouad Mokrini (fouad_iav@yahoo.fr.), local organizer of the 6th Symposium in Morocco.