How a new generation of women are changing wheat science
Over the past 12 years, the Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum award has supported 66 early-career women scientists as they build a stronger, more inclusive community of wheat scholars fighting hunger worldwide.
Scaling Scan website launched
New website offers one stop shop for scaling agricultural innovations.
Tracking the development and reach of CIMMYT’s climate research
Researchers provide data-driven approach to systematically analyze the production and diffusion of knowledge on food systems and climate change.
Taking Aim Against the Dire Threat of Fall Army Worm
Source: The Farming Forum (30 Dec 2022)
Latest progress on fall armyworm prevention and protection show signs of success for smallholders.
Mexico Agriculture: Thrive on the Shift from Efficiency to Resiliency
Source: AgNews (29 Dec 2022)
CIMMYT Director General Bram Govaerts looks at challenges facing Mexican and global agricultural systems.
The importance of germplasm in protecting nature
At COP15, CIMMYT scientists highlighted the significance of DSI in conserving, exploring, and utilizing biodiversity as part of efforts to sustainably nourish the global population in a nature positive manner.
Inspiring future generations of scientists
The Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists, hosted at Huazhong Agricultural University in China and virtually around the world, highlights cutting-edge agricultural research.
Using ENM principles to preserve soil health
Scientists recommend alternative methods for preventing soil degradation that can contribute towards attaining food security.
CIMMYT crop scientist shares strategies for decolonization
Sieglinde Snapp has contributed her approaches to improving inclusivity in the biosciences.
Food systems that work for people and the environment
Climate change requires us to think differently about protecting nature while ensuring food security is a reality for all.
Plant breeding must adapt to climate change, finds study
The goals for breeding new crops have been changed by the rising demands for climate-ready crops, originating from the urgent need to adapt to climate change.
CIMMYT scientists rank in top 1% of highly cited papers
Jill Cairns, José Crossa and Matthew Reynolds named as Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) in Clarivate’s 2022 Analysis.
Catch up on presentations from CIMMYT scientists and researchers at COP27, held between November 6-18.