Canola’s opportunities abound as breeding, uses advance: IRC
Source: Grain Central (26 Sep 2023)
Breeding and seed technology is an important part of the partnerships that will continue to foster thriving markets.
Farewell to the “Father of the Green Revolution in India”, M.S. Swaminathan
CIMMYT mourns the passing of the “Father of the Green Revolution in India”, Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan.
The world’s future wheat will need to withstand the climate crisis
Source: Quartz (20 Sep 2023)
As hotter temperatures and drought become the norm in places used to growing wheat, CIMMYT is working to face new and ongoing challenges to develop a more climate resilient wheat.
Show that you can thrive and excel in all environments
One CGIAR System Board Chair Lindiwe Majele Sibanda shares lessons from her life and wide-ranging career.
The Scaling Scan — launch of 3rd edition
Helping great innovations scale to successful implementation.
Preventing nitrogen loss in maize
CIMMYT and JIRCAS research aims to identify the mechanisms plants use to mitigate nitrogen losses.
Harnessing new high-resolution satellite imagery to plant breeding
New study by CIMMYT researchers shows how multi-temporal, high-resolution satellite images can be used effectively to monitor breeding maize and wheat breeding plots in diverse environments.
Women leaders in science: reaching out to break through
Breaking barriers and changing the leadership equation through women as catalysts of change.
Set an example of how to thrive
Business-leader Altagracia Gómez Sierra calls for social profitability and the encouragement of young girls during talk on women’s leadership.
In memory of Gordon Conway
The Rockefeller Foundation announced the passing late last month of Gordon Conway, former Rockefeller Foundation President, from 1998 to 2004.
CIMMYT announces 2030 Strategy
CIMMYT recognizes all organizations with a mandate to contribute to the development sector must consider transformations in the underlying systems to create sustainable and equitable interventions.
Research local: co-creation generates novel options to tackle global problems
CIMMYT research helps meet Sustainable Development Goals through engagement of scientists and stakeholders in participatory action research.
Unveiling the Nexus between Agrifood Systems and Climate Change: Harvesting insights from latest IPCC report
Facilitating collaborations and partnerships to advance research and development efforts to advance food security and mitigate climate change.
CIMMYT welcomes US Department of State visit
U.S. Department of State Special Representative for Global Partnerships Dorothy McAuliffe visited CIMMYT in Texcoco, Mexico.