Will plants ever fertilize themselves?
Source: The New Yorker ()
Researchers, including Sieg Snapp from CIMMYT, are pioneering crops that fertilize themselves by harnessing atmospheric nitrogen.
Using social network analysis to assess collaborative networks: a case study from the genebank platform evaluation
Source: CGIAR ()
SNA empowers CIMMYT to uncover and strengthen vital connections within agricultural research networks, fostering collaborative innovations for global food security.
CIMMYT scientists recognized for significant research impact
Jill Cairns, José Crossa and Matthew Reynolds named as Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) in Clarivate’s 2023 Analysis.
Gene Editing Boosts Heat-Resistant Wheat Hopes
Source: Technology Networks ()
CIMMYT’s focus on gene editing, like the DMC1 gene study, is paving the way for wheat varieties that can withstand rising temperatures.
Strategy: Public-Private Collaboration
Source: SeedWorld ()
CIMMYT stands at the forefront of uniting public and private sectors in plant breeding.
Ismahane Elouafi returns to CIMMYT—on a system-wide tour
CGIAR leadership visited CIMMYT to learn about the Center’s work in advancing resilient food systems.
CIMMYT and WorldVeg in an MoU to enhance sustainable food production, boost youth and women employment
Source: Farmers Review Africa ()
CIMMYT, in collaboration with World Vegetable Center, has embarked on a partnership to enhance sustainable food production and employment for youth and women.
2024 WIT Award nominations now open from Borlaug Global Rust Initiative
The Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Award honors outstanding early-career scientists engaged in wheat research.
Cultivando un México Mejor: 100% sustainable barley supply
Source: Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (18 Dec 2023)
Sieg Snapp receives International Soil Science Award
Director of CIMMYT’s Sustainable Agrifood Systems program recognized for outstanding contributions to soil science.
Why we need to go beyond technology
Source: Rural 21 (11 Dec 2023)
Sylvanus Odjo and Heike Ostermann highlight systemic scaling up of post-harvest technologies.
Viewpoint: Hunger crisis — The number of countries unable to feed their populations has soared 400% since 2000. Here’s why crop biotechnology is a key solution
Source: Genetic Literacy Project (11 Dec 2023)