Breaking Ground: Francelino Rodrigues on high-tech farming
Francelino Rodrigues’ expertise in precision agriculture brings a high-tech element to CIMMYT’s field trials.
New Publications: Improving wheat breeding through modern genetic tools
A new study shows how wheat breeders can more efficiently increase yield and improve their selections by using modern genetic tools.
Why development needs innovation
“Innovation” may be just another development buzzword, but adopting the principles behind it is crucial if organizations hope to attract funding and achieve lasting impact.
New Publications: New environmental analysis method improves crop adaptation to climate change
New funding focus on agricultural research key to achieve global development goals
Food and agriculture have the potential to be major drivers in helping achieve the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, but are currently underutilized, say experts.
Breaking Ground: More data on gender roles key for a food secure world, says Anya Umantseva
Social inequality, including gender discrimination, hinders the potential for economic development, a key focus of the agriculture for development community.
Moving zinc-enriched wheat into the mainstream
In an effort to stamp out hidden hunger, scientists are calling for support to make zinc-biofortification a core trait in the world’s largest wheat breeding program.
Q+A: Women in Triticum award provides development opportunities and support networks for women in agriculture
Margaret Krause, a doctoral candidate in Plant Breeding at Cornell University, became interested in science and nature at an early age.
Breaking Ground: Vijay Chaikam develops doubled haploid lines to accelerate maize breeding
Vijay Chaikam works as a scientist and manager at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center doubled haploid facility in Kiboko, Kenya.
New Publications: Common platform improves collaboration for research on genetic resources
A common platform through which data on genetic resources can be disseminated to both crop researchers and breeders can strengthen research communities.
Scaling up research for impact
As part of a German Development Cooperation effort to aid the scaling up of agricultural innovations, Lennart Woltering recently joined CIMMYT’s Sustainable Intensification Program.
New selection method allows for rapid development of improved maize varieties
MARS is helping maize breeders develop higher yielding and drought-tolerant improved varieties faster than ever before, according to a recent study from CIMMYT scientists.
Closing the circle: Kanwarpal Dhugga works at CIMMYT
Growing up on a small farm in India’s northwest Punjab state, Kanwarpal Dhugga was a young boy when the first Green Revolution wheat varieties arrived in his village.
New Publications: Successful agricultural interventions require social shifts, not just technological
While scientific research is an important component of the development of an agricultural innovation system, it is not enough.