Wheat gene map to help ‘feed the world’
Source: BBC News (1 Mar 2019)
CIMMYT’s head of wheat research Ravi Singh commented on the publication of the wheat gene map.
New publications: Biofortification of maize with provitamin A can reduce aflatoxin load
This research is especially significant for countries where the health burdens of exposure to aflatoxin and prevalence of vitamin A deficiency converge with high rates of maize consumption.
Is a world without hunger possible, asks Germany’s minister Gerd Müller during his visit to CIMMYT
Minister Müller explored the campus and heard about CIMMYT’s latest innovations in maize and wheat research.
Call for interest: Development trait prioritization as part of a sub-Saharan African crop variety replacement strategy
The CGIAR Excellence in Breeding Platform (EiB) is looking to provide matching funding for two projects.
New report calls for urgent diet and food system changes to sustainably feed world
EAT-Lancet Commission offers a roadmap for a global food system that provides a healthy, sustainable diet for the world’s 10 billion people by 2050.
The impact of climate inaction on food security
The global food system needs to be transformed to respond to the health and nutrition needs of the future. To achieve this, however, there needs to be a strong global program to prevent greater threats from climate change.
In pictures: Six agricultural innovations combating climate change
With agriculture on the agenda at COP24, we highlight six innovations improving resilience and productivity for agriculture.
CIMMYT drought tolerant maize: A key innovation for millions of farmers, says FAO
Drought-tolerant (DT) maize was among 20 success stories featured at International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers.
CIMMYT Annual Report 2017
At the center of global responses to challenges to maize and wheat agriculture.