CRP Maize Annual Report 2018
In 2018, MAIZE delivered development outcomes and impacts through varietal release, scale-up, delivery and adoption of climate-resilient and nutritionally enriched maize varieties.
CRP Wheat Annual Report 2018
WHEAT’s achievements in 2018 made an invaluable contribution to global food security, especially for the 2.5 billion people who depend on wheat for their livelihoods.
Cobs & Spikes podcast: Interview with Juan Gonzalo Jaramillo Mejia on social inclusion
Taking a social inclusion lens to social protection and the role of men in gender equality.
The new challenges of wheat improvement
In an interview for BBC Newsday, CIMMYT senior scientist Velu Govindan spoke of today’s challenges for wheat breeders.
New manual provides quantitative approach to drought stress phenotyping
The manual covers field site selection, effects of weather, crop management and other factors to standardize the required intensity, timing and uniformity of imposed drought stress during field trials.
More with less: Research for intensified food production with scarcer resources and heating climates
How plant breeding helps to feed the world.
Top scientists from CGIAR to present latest research at International Wheat Congress in Canada
More than 800 global experts will gather in Saskatoon to strategize on ways to meet projected nutritional needs of 60% more people by 2050.
Ensuring food security for a growing planet
Rising populations will squeeze food systems worldwide. Science and partnerships can help.
Inequality, agriculture and climate change: From a vicious to a virtuous circle
A transformation is urgently needed in the world’s food system to make it more resilient to climate change and to reduce its emissions, explains the Executive Director of the CGIAR System Organization in an op-ed.
New publications: Shifting the mindset from “reaching many” to sustainable change
Paper describes mindset and skills required to go from pilot project to sustainable systemic change at scale.
Modern wheat breeding benefits high- and low-input farmers, study shows
Study results underscore the value of CIMMYT’s breeding programs.