Agricultural solutions to tackle humanity’s climate crisis
Climate adaptation and mitigationScience offers opportunity to curb greenhouse gas emissions related to agriculture and meet climate goals.
Kanwarpal Dhugga awarded top honor in science
InnovationsCIMMYT researcher named Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
First steps taken to unify breeding software
InnovationsExperts work together at hackathon to develop Enterprise Breeding System that can serve CGIAR organizations and national agricultural research programs.
Healthy diets feature both whole- and refined-grain foods, new study shows
Nutrition, health and food securityReview indicates positive health impacts from diverse diets that include not more than 50% carbohydrates and the right mix of grain-based foods.
Four CIMMYT scientists among world’s most influential scholars, based on citations
InnovationsRecognized for most-cited works worldwide on Web of Science Group’s list of Highly Cited Researchers.
New publications: Special collection on wheat genetics and breeding
Nutrition, health and food securityResearchers present highlights from 40 years of collaboration on wheat genomics, breeding for disease resistance and quality improvement.
Breaking Ground: Velu Govindan is mainstreaming zinc to combat hidden hunger
InnovationsCIMMYT wheat breeder supports smallholder farmers without access to a diversified diet by improving nutritional quality in wheat.
Climate, nutrition and security challenges require global food system transformation
Climate adaptation and mitigationThe 2019 Borlaug Dialogue explored solutions to feed the planet sustainably in the face of conflict and climate change.
It’s time to change the system, not just the technology
InnovationsChanging farming technologies requires systemic change, argues Lennart Woltering in new article.
The man who fed the world
Nutrition, health and food securityBBC radio show Witness History focuses on the life and work of Norman Borlaug.