The Green Revolution was built on manipulating genes to breed higher-yielding, disease resistant crops. Here’s an ode to one of its pioneers, Sanjaya Rajaram
Source: Genetic Literacy Project (5 May 2021)
This tribute to the life and work of Sanjaya Rajaram also flags CIMMYT’s contribution to improving livelihoods and fostering more productive sustainable maize and wheat farming.
CIMMYT and John Innes Centre announce strategic collaboration on wheat research
Partnership of two world-class research institutes will harness state-of-the-art technology to find solutions for wheat farmers and consumers.
Can we create a climate-resistant coffee in time?
Source: The Guardian (27 Apr 2021)
Matthew Reynolds talked to The Guardian’s Science Weekly podcast about the process of creating climate- and heat-resistant crops.
Breaking Ground: Natalia Palacios gets the most out of maize
From biofortification to cooking techniques, a CIMMYT scientist and her team test how to make this global staple as nutritious as possible.
Far-reaching impacts
Alumni of CIMMYT’s historic wheat training program reflect on a powerful learning experience.
On-farm nitrogen management practices have global reverberations
A new meta-study confirms that nitrous oxide emissions can be reduced by boosting nitrogen productivity, crop yield and use of “4Rs.”
World Health Day 2021
Five CIMMYT solutions for a fairer, healthier world.
Revisiting the inverse size-productivity relationship
Study results suggest caution in designing agricultural policies based on evidence derived from inaccurate measurement protocols.
How do we sustainably manage transboundary diseases and crop pests?
CGIAR webinar examined the technological, sustainability and social implications of integrated approaches.
What is nixtamalization?
Water, heat and lime transform grain in a traditional Central American maize processing method.
Global malnutrition: Why cereal grains could provide an answer
Source: The Conversation (15 Mar 2021)
By changing the way cereals are produced, processed and consumed, it’s possible to harness their benefits to improve diets around the world.
A knowledge revolution
CIMMYT researchers present new knowledge management framework for agri-food innovation systems.
Consider the seed
The second installment in the CGIAR International Year of Plant Health Webinar Series tackles the often-overlooked issue of germplasm health.
Bill Gates highlights CIMMYT’s innovation in latest climate book
One of CIMMYT and CGIAR’s biggest supporters, he sets out on a virtual book tour to spark collaborative action toward avoiding a climate disaster and calls for innovations in almost everything that we do.
Out with the old, in with the new
CIMMYT’s tried and tested approaches in varietal turnover and decades of experience in strengthening maize and wheat seed systems have a lot to contribute to CGIAR’s plan of building robust food systems by 2030.