CIMMYT and CGIAR senior leaders share vision ahead
During two-day visit, CGIAR managing director and regional director deepen their understanding of CIMMYT’s research and impact.
The race against time to breed a wheat to survive the climate crisis
Source: The Guardian (12 Jun 2022)
CIMMYT scientists are using the biodiversity of forgotten wheat varieties from across the world to find those with heat- and drought-tolerant traits.
A climate-smart remodeling of South Asia’s rice-wheat cropping is urgent
Multiple studies show conventional farming practices degrade soils, deplete aquifers and feed rampant greenhouse gas emissions.
NASDA representatives visit CIMMYT
Crop science and farming research attracts interest of National Association of State Departments of Agriculture of the United States.
Mining Useful Alleles for Climate Change Adaptation from CGIAR Genebanks
Two approaches better than one: identifying spot blotch resistance in wheat varieties
Genomic selection is a promising tool to select for spot blotch resistance and index-based selection to select for spot blotch resistance, heading and plant height.
Diagram links physiological traits of wheat for yield potential
Researchers build on existing source-and-sink model to map complex interaction of traits that determine wheat yield throughout its growth cycle, as a guide for breeding and future research.
CIMMYT scientists identify novel genomic regions associated with spot blotch resistance
Researchers use genome-wide association mapping approach to identify new regions with resistance to the disease.
Turning data swamps into data lakes
New metadata schema will make it easier for scientists to find and reuse open-access data.
Celebrating the life of Rosalind Morris, trailblazer for women in agriculture
An outstanding wheat cytogeneticist and professor, she peacefully passed away a few weeks shy of her 102nd birthday.
Experts analyze the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on global food and energy systems
CIMMYT director general urges stronger international cooperation to buffer the shock in food-insecure countries and drive a shift to resilience.
Our food system isn’t ready for the climate crisis
Source: The Guardian (14 Apr 2022)
“We’ll never get back all the diversity we had before, but the diversity we need is out there,” says Matthew Reynolds, head of wheat physiology at CIMMYT.
CGIAR research highlighted among climate innovations to meet net zero emissions
Documentary features CIMMYT and Alliance scientists contributing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.
Seed banks: the last line of defense against a threatening global food crisis
Source: The Guardian (15 Apr 2022)
As climate breakdown and worldwide conflict continue to place the food system at risk, seed banks from the Arctic to Lebanon try to safeguard biodiversity.