United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Exotic wheat DNA helps breed ‘climate-proof’ crops
Source: Phys.org (10 Jan 2023)
Wheat containing exotic DNA from wild relatives benefits from up to 50 percent higher yields in hot weather compared with elite lines lacking these genes, according to a new study.
Partnerships crucial for protecting plant health
Insights from the CGIAR Plant Health Initiative reached new audiences at the first ever International Plant Health Conference.
New grafting technique could combat the disease threatening Cavendish bananas
Scientists find novel way to combine two species of grass-like plants including banana, rice and wheat, that allows disease resistance and other beneficial characteristics to be added to the plants.
Science, technology and farmers, the three pillars of CIMMYT at COP26
At global climate summit, CIMMYT scientists share adaptation and mitigation solutions for farmers, and call for increased funding for agricultural research.
CIMMYT and John Innes Centre announce strategic collaboration on wheat research
Partnership of two world-class research institutes will harness state-of-the-art technology to find solutions for wheat farmers and consumers.
MARPLE team recognized for international impact
Research team behind revolutionary field test for wheat disease wins prestigious BBSRC prize.
Deadly strain of wheat stem rust disease surfaces in Europe
Scientists have shown that the first appearance of wheat stem rust disease in the U.K. in nearly 60 years, which occurred in 2013, was caused by the same virulent fungal strain responsible for recent wheat stem rust outbreaks in Ethiopia, Denmark, Germany, and Sweden.
Agricultural researchers forge new ties to develop nutritious crops and environmental farming
Scientists from two of the world’s leading agricultural research institutes will embark on joint research to boost global food security.
Wheat rust poses food security risk for global poor, says DFID’s Priti Patel
Wheat rust monitoring efforts are not only keeping the fast-spreading disease in check, but are deployed to manage other crop diseases, said a scientist at a scientific meeting in London.
Will we feed humanity by 2050?
Bram Govaerts, Leader of CIMMYT’s program on Sustainable Intensification in Latin America, presented at a keynote speech titled “Ending hunger: Can we achieve humanity’s elusive goal by 2050?” at the Oxford Farming Conference.
Conservation agriculture expert at Oxford Farming Conference
Bram Govaerts, strategic leader for Sustainable Intensification in Latin America and Latin America representative at CIMMYT makes keynote speech at Oxford Farming Conference.
SUPER WOMAN: Julie King tames wild relatives of wheat, improving resilience
Maize and wheat Super Women campaign highlights diversity
A social media campaign initiated to celebrate the achievements of women has led to more than a dozen published blog story contributions about women in the maize and wheat sectors.
Index insurance to safeguard farmers from climate change
“We’ve got the germplasm and improved varieties, but what can we do to overcome the hurdle of farmer adoption of these technologies?” Jon Hellin, value chain and poverty specialist for CIMMYT’s Socioeconomics Program presented this challenge and how crop-index insurance may be part of the solution, at a high-level Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) webcast event Wednesday, 28 January in London.