Representatives from eight Asian countries meet in Hyderabad to tackle fall armyworm
Source: Relief Web (1 May 2019)
USAID, CIMMYT and ICRISAT convened a workshop to share experiences, best practices, approaches and challenges in managing FAW.
Highlights of the 12th Asian Maize Conference
The 12th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on “Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security” convened in Bangkok, Thailand from 31 October to 1 November 2014.
Maize opportunities and challenges for Asia
Compared with other cereals, maize has recorded the fastest annual growth in Asia at around 4 percent, but consumption is rising faster than yields.
12th Asian Maize Conference
The 12th Asian Maize Conference is taking place in Bangkok from 30 October to 1 November, bringing together more than 350 leading agricultural researchers, policy-makers, farmers and service providers from across the public and private sectors.
Upcoming: 12th Asian Maize Conference
In Asia, maize production is growing at a faster rate than any other cereal. The demand for maize has grown in response to changing consumer habits; with greater demand for meat in consumers’ diets, maize is in high demand as feed for the growing livestock sector. At the same time, there remains great opportunity to increase the area under maize production in the region, as well as tremendous opportunities for innovations in crop improvement, management and diversification.