As a fast growing region with increasing challenges for smallholder farmers, Asia is a key target region for CIMMYT. CIMMYT’s work stretches from Central Asia to southern China and incorporates system-wide approaches to improve wheat and maize productivity and deliver quality seed to areas with high rates of child malnutrition. Activities involve national and regional local organizations to facilitate greater adoption of new technologies by farmers and benefit from close partnerships with farmer associations and agricultural extension agents.
CIMMYT Maize hybrids ranked first and third in nation-wide trials in India
Two hybrids from CIMMYT developed under the Heat Tolerant Maize for Asia (HTMA) project were ranked first and third during the 2015 All-India Coordinated Maize Program trials.
New Publications: Research sheds light on climate and yield risk in South Asia
Research highlights important risks to farmers’ yields in Pakistan due to climate change.
China’s vice premier ushers in new era of agricultural collaboration
China’s Vice Premier Liu Yandong visits CIMMYT to thank the organization for its contribution to China’s agricultural development over the past 30 years.
5th International master class on soil born pathogens of wheat
The 5th International Master Class on Soil Borne Pathogens of Wheat was held in Eskisehir, Turkey, on 11-23 July 2016.
Expanding for faster and wider deployment of heat-tolerant hybrids in South Asia
HTMA’s annual review and planning meeting was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 25-26 July 2016.
CIMMYT receives collaboration award from the Yunnan provincial government
CIMMYT received a collaboration award recognizing contributions made to improving maize and wheat productivity, from the government in China’s Yunnan Province.
Farming Systems Intensification in South Asia
A workshop on farming systems analysis was held at Wageningen University (WUR), The Netherlands, on 5-7 July 2016.
Smallholders in Rwanda and Zambia to enhance wheat productivity through new project
A new project aims to over double wheat production in target areas of Zambia and Rwanda to help smallholders meet rising demand and cope with high import costs.
New multi-crop zero-till planter boosts yields and farming efficiency in Pakistan
A new planter that promotes dry seeding of rice, saves water and increases planting efficiency is being used increasingly in Pakistan’s Punjab Province.
Bhutan and Bangladesh join forces to combat threat of rust diseases
For the first time, Bhutan and Bangladesh are collaborating on evaluating Bangladeshi wheat lines for resistance to yellow and leaf rusts.
Launch of new geo-informatics tool
CIMMYT has launched the beta version of a geo-informatics technology that will help scientists forecast crop yields and identify other benefits to farmers.
Scientists trained on breeding program management, statistical data analysis
A training course on maize breeding program management and statistical data analysis was held from 23-27 May 2016 in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Pakistan maize stakeholders discuss progress
CIMMYT’s Agricultural Innovation Program (AIP) held its annual maize working group meeting on 10-11 May.
CIMMYT expands registered maize hybrids to western Nepal
CIMMYT and partners are supporting the expansion of registered hybrid maize and to help increase the crop’s productivity throughout the country.
Sustainable agriculture takes root in Karnataka, India
Nearly 150 scientists, researchers and extension agents attended a field training on conservation agriculture and mechanization for sustainable intensification.