As a fast growing region with increasing challenges for smallholder farmers, Asia is a key target region for CIMMYT. CIMMYT’s work stretches from Central Asia to southern China and incorporates system-wide approaches to improve wheat and maize productivity and deliver quality seed to areas with high rates of child malnutrition. Activities involve national and regional local organizations to facilitate greater adoption of new technologies by farmers and benefit from close partnerships with farmer associations and agricultural extension agents.
Breaking Ground: Akhter Ali helps transform agriculture sector in Pakistan
Akhter Ali always knew he wanted to have an impact on the livelihoods of farmers in Pakistan.
Small machinery provides affordable options for women farmers in Nepal
Small-scale mechanization is becoming more important on farms in Nepal as young people, particularly men, migrate away from rural areas in large numbers.
Breaking Ground: Xuecai Zhang prepares future generation of crop breeders
Xuecai Zhang wants to merge traditional maize breeding methods with new software and other tools to help improve farmers’ yields faster than ever.
“Young Scientist Award” winner fights hidden hunger with high zinc wheat
A scientist who has advanced the development of nutrient-rich wheat varieties with higher yield potential, disease resistance and improved traits wins Young Scientist Award for Agriculture.
Pakistan releases first quality protein maize varieties
Pakistan is releasing quality protein maize for commercial consumption, which could help boost nutrition across the country where nearly half of all children are chronically malnourished.
Scientists in Afghanistan set new program to raise wheat harvests
Inadequate access to new disease-resistant varieties and short supplies of certified seed are holding up wheat harvesting and contributing to rising food insecurity in Afghanistan.
Radio broadcast highlights maize improvement in Pakistan
Public and private sector maize stakeholders came together to discuss CIMMYT’s maize interventions and innovations in Pakistan during a recent radio interview.
Surveillance training to control wheat blast in Bangladesh
40 wheat pathologists, breeders and agronomists gathered to combat wheat blast at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) at Gazipur, Bangladesh.
USAID makes special visit to CIMMYT activities in Bangladesh
USAID’s Deputy Administrator visited Bangladesh to learn how CIMMYT engages with partners to help smallholder farmers uptake sustainable agriculture practices.
CIMMYT scientist cautions against new threats from wheat rust diseases
Scientists are concerned over the proliferation of highly virulent fungal wheat diseases, including two new races of yellow rust and a new race of stem rust.
Breaking Ground: Caixia Lan on identifying building blocks for rust resistant wheat
Support for research into breeding crops resistant to wheat rust is essential to manage the spread of the deadly disease, caused vast yield losses globally in recent years, says scientist Caixia Lan.
Crop sensors sharpen nitrogen management for wheat in Pakistan
Pakistani and CIMMYT scientists are working with wheat farmers to test and promote precision agriculture technology.
Water-saving maize holds potential to boost farmer resilience to climate change in Pakistan
New varieties of white maize in Pakistan have the potential to both quadruple savings of irrigation water and double crop yields for farmers.
Surface water irrigation has the potential to boost cereal productivity in Bangladesh
For the first time, researchers have mapped rivers and freshwater canals in southern Bangladesh using geospatial tools.
Breaking Ground: Jiafa Chen on improving maize and building partnerships
Jiafa Chen has helped identify new genetic resources that have been used in breeding new maize varieties that withstand environmental and biological stresses.