As a fast growing region with increasing challenges for smallholder farmers, Asia is a key target region for CIMMYT. CIMMYT’s work stretches from Central Asia to southern China and incorporates system-wide approaches to improve wheat and maize productivity and deliver quality seed to areas with high rates of child malnutrition. Activities involve national and regional local organizations to facilitate greater adoption of new technologies by farmers and benefit from close partnerships with farmer associations and agricultural extension agents.
Media highlight sustainable innovations in Pakistan during USAID tour
New sustainable agriculture initiative targets India’s second most populous state
A new project is bringing sustainable technologies and practices to one-thousand villages in Maharashtra, India.
New Publications: Climate change adaptation practices decrease poverty, boost food security
Farmers in Pakistan that practice climate change adaptation strategies have higher food security levels and are less likely to live in poverty than those that don’t.
Farmers in Pakistan benefit from new zinc-enriched high-yielding wheat
Farmers in Pakistan are eagerly adopting a nutrient-enhanced wheat variety offering improved food security, higher incomes, health benefits and a delicious taste.
New planters promote environmentally-friendly farming in Pakistan
Farmers and research partners are praising innovative, locally manufactured farm implements that support conservation agriculture in rice-wheat farming rotation in Pakistan.
Breaking Ground: AbduRahman Beshir is revitalizing Pakistan’s maize sector
AbduRahman Beshir and his team are developing climate-resilient, biofortified and biotic stress-tolerant maize to enhance the maize seed sector.
New Publications: Sustainable agriculture boosts water savings in India
In northwestern India, growing maize is being advocated as an alternative to rice to address resource degradation challenges such as declining water tables and climate change induced variability in rainfall and temperature.
Breaking Ground: Crop simulation models help Balwinder Singh predict future challenges
Balwinder Singh uses crop simulation models to help smallholder farmers in South Asia prepare for future climates and unexpected challenges.
Sales boost seed sector growth in Nepal
Four Nepalese seed companies are showing signs of significant growth, with seed sales increasing nearly 60 percent since 2014.
USAID delegation tours sustainable agriculture activities in Bangladesh
A delegation of USAID representatives recently visited southern Bangladesh to learn about sustainable agriculture activities in the area and emerging challenges to wheat production.
Maize breeding on track for climate change in Africa, scientist urges bigger investments
With appropriate funding, maize yields can continue to increase in extreme heat and drought conditions, scientists say.
Breaking Ground: David Guerena transfers world-class science to smallholder farmers
David Guerena recently joined CIMMYT as soil scientist-systems agronomist, he leads soils/nutrient management activities in Nepal.
New Publications: Consumer preference for GM food in Pakistan
WhileGM foods continue to be a topic of debate in much of the developed world, few studies have focused on consumers’ acceptance of GM food in developing countries.
India celebrates women in climate smart agriculture
In celebration of International Women’s Day, 150 women from villages across Haryana and Bihar, India joined to celebrate the adoption of climate-smart agriculture in their communities.
Bangladesh urges $500 million in funds to intensify surface water irrigation
Most current food security projections show that staple crop production must double by 2050 to keep up with global need, which will continue to expand.