As a fast growing region with increasing challenges for smallholder farmers, Asia is a key target region for CIMMYT. CIMMYT’s work stretches from Central Asia to southern China and incorporates system-wide approaches to improve wheat and maize productivity and deliver quality seed to areas with high rates of child malnutrition. Activities involve national and regional local organizations to facilitate greater adoption of new technologies by farmers and benefit from close partnerships with farmer associations and agricultural extension agents.
CIMMYT and Indonesia’s agricultural research agency renew collaboration
The Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) signed a memorandum of understanding with CIMMYT to reaffirm their research partnership for maize and wheat improvement.
Scientists use DNA fingerprinting to gauge the spread of modern wheat in Afghanistan
New study finds that wheat farmers often do not accurately identify their varieties.
Nepal’s seed sector partners join forces to realize the National Seed Vision 2013-2025
Halfway into Nepal’s 12-year plan to boost seed systems, partners review progress and plan the best way to meet targets.
From tinkering mechanic to manufacturing genius
Source: Dhaka Tribune (17 Aug 2019)
USAID-funded CIMMYT and iDE project helped young mechanic develop the market for his locally-manufactured machines.
Energy crunch hits Pakistan’s farm productivity
Source: Sci Dev Net (12 Aug 2019)
CIMMYT study shows uninterrupted energy and power supplies are critical farming inputs to reduce poverty and food insecurity,
New drought monitoring system will reduce climate risks for South Asian farmers
After Afghanistan, Nepal, and Pakistan, the Regional Drought Monitoring and Outlook System extends its coverage to Bangladesh.
Happy Seeder can reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions while making profits for farmers
The average farmer who uses the Happy Seeder can generate up to 20% more profits than those who burn their fields, according to a new study published in Science.
Alternatives to burning can increase Indian farmers’ profits and cut pollution, new study shows
Published in Science, the article provides evidence for national policies that block stubble burning and promote no-till mechanization to manage crop residues.
New CIMMYT pre-commercial hybrids available from Asia maize breeding programs
CIMMYT is offering a new set of improved maize hybrids to partners in South and South East Asia and similar agro-ecological zones, to scale up production for farmers in these areas.
New publications: A study of water markets in Bangladesh
Researchers analyze irrigation service providers to understand how different business models and pump types affect pricing and water conservation.
Int’l Wheat Congress: Bangladesh’s success sung in Saskatoon
Source: Dhaka Tribune (24 Jul 2019)
With CIMMYT support, Bangladesh developed blast resistant wheat in the quickest possible time.
Stunting in Nepal: Besides chauchau and chips, local crops may also be responsible
Source: Online Khabar (24 Jul 2019)
Soil scientist David Guerena, who works for the Nepal Seed and Fertiliser Project run by CIMMYT, advocates for zinc-enriched fertilizers in Nepal.
India honors CIMMYT climate-smart farming expert
M.L. Jat received the Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for outstanding and impact-oriented research contributions in natural resource management and agricultural engineering.
Precision spreader for fertilizer set to change the agriculture scene in Nepal
The small hand-operated device, which ensures the even distribution of fertilizer, could support food production, nutrition, and even the incorporation of women to farming.