As a fast growing region with increasing challenges for smallholder farmers, Asia is a key target region for CIMMYT. CIMMYT’s work stretches from Central Asia to southern China and incorporates system-wide approaches to improve wheat and maize productivity and deliver quality seed to areas with high rates of child malnutrition. Activities involve national and regional local organizations to facilitate greater adoption of new technologies by farmers and benefit from close partnerships with farmer associations and agricultural extension agents.
Forging collaborative ties from south to south
Wheat experts gather at the Second International Wheat Congress to discuss resilience and sustainability, aiming to increase collaboration in the advancement of the crop.
Stepping up for South Asian women
Through the CSISA project, CIMMYT is helping female farmers in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal to receive the recognition and opportunities they deserve.
Technology addresses gender inequality in wheat farming
Male and female farmers in Ethiopia and India face different challenges to accessing new wheat varieties, discovers CIMMYT researchers.
Partnerships crucial for protecting plant health
Insights from the CGIAR Plant Health Initiative reached new audiences at the first ever International Plant Health Conference.
Expanding BISA expertise to new horizons in South Asia
Senior government representatives from across South Asia join forces to consolidate food security in the region.
In Burkina Faso, a business model for mechanization is providing hope
CIMMYT and its partners are helping farmers branch out into business to improve crop yield and create job opportunities in their communities.
The right time for the right place
Zone-specific recommendations provide Afghan farmers with the best practices in wheat production for their region.
Quality protein maize: a road ahead
To alleviate malnutrition associated with essential amino acids, QPM development and deployment should be further proliferated to reach a large number of consumers.
Special issue on gender research in agriculture highlights CIMMYT’s work on gender inclusivity
New issue spotlights importance of gender inclusive approach to agricultural research for development.
Connect rural areas with digital innovations to unlock climate resilience for hundreds of millions of farmers
Jawoo Koo, IFPRI, and Andrea Gardeazabal, CIMMYT, explain how smallholders in Africa, Asia and Latin America will benefit from the CGIAR Initiative for Digital Innovation.
Scientist urges upgrades to monitor groundwater use for agriculture in low-income countries
Successful testing of phone-based groundwater monitoring in the Nepal Terai was described at World Water Week in Stockholm.