CGIAR Initiative: Securing the Food Systems of Asian Mega-Deltas (AMD) for Climate and Livelihood Resilience
AAA drought-tolerant maize now available in Myanmar
The TA5085 variety will benefit farmers producing under rain-fed conditions in drought-prone areas, like Myanmar’s central dry zones.
A challenge solved
Massive study of breeding lines across environments pinpoints genomic regions associated with yield potential and stress-resilience in bread wheat.
Representatives from eight Asian countries meet in Hyderabad to tackle fall armyworm
Source: Relief Web (1 May 2019)
USAID, CIMMYT and ICRISAT convened a workshop to share experiences, best practices, approaches and challenges in managing FAW.
Researchers set new climate services strategy in Bangladesh
Scientists from across South and Southeast Asia launched a new agenda earlier this week to boost community involvement in developing climate information and extension messaging services across the region.
Myanmar and CIMMYT assess needs and joint maize and wheat research
Officials of Myanmar’s Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and CIMMYT representatives met to strengthen collaboration, with a focus on increasing farm productivity and training a new generation of Myanmar scientists.