For more information, contact CIMMYT’s India office.
Tech-savvy women in Haryana implement precision fertilizer application
The state of Haryana, India’s breadbasket, faces a major challenge due to the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer (N: P: K = 27.2: 9.8: 1) in agriculture. The overuse of nitrogen fertilizer in the rice-wheat systems of Haryana has led to high production costs, low efficiency, environmental pollution and nitrate contamination of groundwater, which causes blue baby syndrome in young children.
Training on developing stress-resilient maize at CIMMYT-Hyderabad, India
A training course on developing stress-resilient maize for early-/mid-career maize breeders from national programs, agricultural universities and seed companies, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs), was held at CIMMYT-Hyderabad, India, on 15 May 2015. The course was open to partners in the Heat Tolerant Maize for Asia (HTMA) project and members of the International Maize Improvement Consortium (IMIC-Asia). It covered key aspects of precision phenotyping, including enhancing precision of field trials, managing adequate levels of stress to express available genotypic variability, using advanced tools to capture data efficiently and precision in recording various traits in phenotyping trials.
CIMMYT-CCAFS initiative develops 500 new climate-smart villages in Haryana, India
Fostering collaboration between Nepalese and Indian seed companies
A delegation of 15 Nepalese seed entrepreneurs learned about various business models and innovations for seed industry development on their first visit to India. The visit, sponsored by the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia in Nepal (CSISA-NP), lasted from 1 to 10 June.
Learning climate smart agricultural practices empowers women farmers in Haryana
A farm budgeting booklet and training empower women with knowledge so they are able to make decisions and increase their family income.
Fostering collaboration between Nepalese and Indian seed companies
A delegation of 15 Nepalese seed entrepreneurs learned about various business models and innovations for seed industry development on their first visit to India. The visit, sponsored by the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia in Nepal (CSISA-NP), lasted from 1 to 10 June.
Farmers in India embrace high-zinc wheat for its nutritional benefits
More than 50,000 farmers adopted zinc-biofortified wheat varieties during the 2015-2016 crop cycle.
First international training workshop on farming systems analysis in India
The international training workshop “Approaches for integrated analysis of agricultural systems in South Asia: Field, to farm, to landscape scale,” jointly organized by CIMMYT and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), was held at Karnal, Haryana, India, during 18-23 May. The workshop targeted farming systems and agricultural development researchers in South Asia and provided an overview of the approaches and tools used to assess agricultural systems.
CSISA mechanization meets farmers’ needs in Bihar, India
The CSISA project team is improving existing designs of harvest and post-harvest machinery to meet local needs.
Well-positioned for next phase, CSISA India plans for monsoon cropping season
Project team gathers in Kathmandu to plan for the 2015 monsoon cropping season.
SUPER WOMAN: Chhavi Tiwari aids women farmers with zinc-fortified wheat
SUPER WOMAN: Suchismita Mondal develops climate change resilient wheat
Suchismita Mondal was inspired by the humble flour tortilla to take up a career as an international wheat breeder.
Maize workshop sets stage for doubling production in India by 2025
The 58th All India Coordinated Annual Maize Workshop was held at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) in Ludhiana, India during 4-6 April. The workshop brought together nearly 200 scientists in India working on maize research and development, as well as representatives from seed companies. The All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Maize was the first crop research project established in India in 1957 and served as a model for all following crop projects in the country.