For more information, contact CIMMYT’s Bangladesh office.
Millions at lower risk of vitamin A deficiency after six-year campaign to promote orange-fleshed sweet potato
More than two million households across six countries received sweet potato enriched with vitamin A as part of a project led by the International Potato Center (CIP).
The fall armyworm, explained
A series of infographics shows farmers in Bangladesh the threat of fall armyworm, how to identify it in the fields and what to do in case of damage.
Representatives from eight Asian countries meet in Hyderabad to tackle fall armyworm
Source: Relief Web (1 May 2019)
USAID, CIMMYT and ICRISAT convened a workshop to share experiences, best practices, approaches and challenges in managing FAW.
Deadly Fall Armyworm threat here to stay
Source: The Hindu (1 May 2019)
CIMMYT, USAID, ICRISAT and CGIAR have joined hands to address FAW threat in Asia.
Sustainable intensification practices build resilience in Bangladesh’s charlands
By reducing drudgery, irrigation and costs, conservation agriculture enables the soil of the charlands to produce rice and maize yields consecutively.
Assessing the effectiveness of a “wheat holiday” for preventing blast in the lower Gangetic plains
Policy to encourage alternative crops for wheat farmers in South Asia a short-term solution at best, say CIMMYT researchers
New infographics illustrate impact of wheat blast
They show how wheat blast spreads, its potential effect on wheat production in South Asia and ways farmers can manage it.
City dwellers in Africa and Asia increasingly choose wheat, research shows
The developing world’s appetite for wheat is growing swiftly, driven in part by rising incomes, rapid urbanization and the expansion of families where both spouses work outside the house.
Finding the story behind weeds
Researchers use the Photovoice methodology to better understand weed management practices.
The saving grace of a hefty investment
Young farmer’s investment in a reaper saves him time, money and dignity, while helping others in the community.