CIMMYT has several offices in the Americas, including global headquarters in Mexico and a regional office in Colombia. Activities are supported by an additional 140 hectares of stations in diverse agro-ecological zones of Mexico. CIMMYT’s genebank in Mexico stores 27,000 maize and 170,000 wheat seed collections – key to preserving the crop genetic diversity of the region. CIMMYT projects range from developing nutritionally enhanced maize to mapping regional climate change hot spots in Central America. The comprehensive MasAgro project aims to increase wheat production in Mexico by 9 million tons and maize production by 350,000 tons by 2030. CIMMYT promotes regional collaboration and facilitates capacity building for scientists, researchers and technicians.
Exploring the potential for scaling nutritious cereal-based foods
CIMMYT’s agrifood systems research looks at how to better connect farmers to consumers in a sustainable way, allowing for higher benefits from farming and increased access to nutritious cereal-based food for consumers.
Making purple maize a seed of prosperity for Peruvian farmers
High-yielding purple maize, introduced into Peruvian agriculture by Alicia Medina Hoyos, is attracting global attention.
Nestlé Mexico and CIMMYT expand their collaboration for responsible sourcing through Plan Maíz
The results of the Plan Maíz initiative were presented and, looking ahead, one of the goals is to ensure that 20% of the maize and wheat from this project is sourced through regenerative agriculture practices by 2025 and 50% by 2030.
Partnerships crucial for protecting plant health
Insights from the CGIAR Plant Health Initiative reached new audiences at the first ever International Plant Health Conference.
Developing climate change resistant wheat
Source: CGTN (4 Oct 2022)
Climate change, particularly rising temperatures, are impacting on wheat yields. CIMMYT is working to develop new varieties with tolerance to the effects of climate change.
Connect rural areas with digital innovations to unlock climate resilience for hundreds of millions of farmers
Jawoo Koo, IFPRI, and Andrea Gardeazabal, CIMMYT, explain how smallholders in Africa, Asia and Latin America will benefit from the CGIAR Initiative for Digital Innovation.
The world cannot ignore the global food crisis and its consequences
Source: Des Moines Register (25 Sep 2022)
Cary Fowler, US Special Envoy for Global Food Security, mentions CIMMYT as one example of institutions “contributing significantly to global food security.”
MasAgro is “a gift for Africa”
CIMMYT’s Board of Trustees were impressed with MasAgro’s outcomes in Mexico and its potential for replication in Africa.
Regenerative agriculture in Mexico: the case of Bimbo
Source: Opportimes (22 Sep 2022)
Grupo Bimbo and CIMMYT partnership aims to improve regenerative agricultural practices for wheat and maize in Mexico.
The future of wheat
CIMMYT’s experimental station in Obregón is a mecca for wheat research and breeding, where scientists have access to state-of-the-art field facilities and an ideal location.
Why co-creation is vital for sustainable agriculture
CIMMYT Director General Bram Govaerts explains to government and private sector partners how CIMMYT equips farmers to capitalize on new technologies, resulting in climate-smart processes and increased food security.