CIMMYT at the Borlaug Dialogue
The 2023 Borlaug Dialogue showcased CIMMYT’s collaborations in Mozambique and innovative initiatives to address agricultural challenges in Southern Africa.
Ten years later: CIMMYT facilities in East Africa continue to make a difference
A decade of maize impact, celebrating 10 years of success with CIMMYT’s maize DH and MLN screening facilities.
Scaling up health diet seed kits in Zanzibar
Health diet seed kits are enhancing food and nutrition security in Zanzibar.
CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa
Boosting groundnut value chains
A stakeholder meeting held with the aim of establishing a platform for dialogue among stakeholders involved in groundnut production and distribution laid the foundation for the development of groundnut farming in Tanzania.
Sorghum seed sales profit and empower rural women in Tanzania
In a remote rural area of Tanzania, a group of women farmers has defied the odds and found prosperity through the cultivation of certified sorghum seeds.
Accelerating delivery of stress-tolerant, nutritious seed in Eastern and Southern Africa
CIMMYT and partners are working to accelerate the delivery of stress-tolerant and nutritious seeds to boost smallholder farmer resilience to drought and pests in Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia.
CIMMYT at the AIM for Climate Summit
Smart smallholder fertilizer management practices to address food security and climate change.
Supporting the careers of women in science
In an interview with Happy Makuru Daudi, she shares her career journey and why groundnut is a ‘woman’s crop’.
Combining improved seed varieties and index insurance to address drought losses
Source: VoxDev (5 Nov 2022)
Paswel Marenya, Adoption and Impact Assessment Economist at CIMMYT, explains on a podcast how bundling genetic and financial technologies can make small-scale agriculture more resilient and productive.
CIMMYT leads innovation sprint to deliver results to farmers rapidly
Climate-resilient soil fertility management by smallholders in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.