CIMMYT’s work in Africa helps farmers access new maize and wheat systems-based technologies, information and markets, raising incomes and enhancing crop resilience to drought and climate change. CIMMYT sets priorities in consultation with ministries of agriculture, seed companies, farming communities and other stakeholders in the maize and wheat value chains. Our activities in Africa are wide ranging and include: breeding maize for drought tolerance and low-fertility soils, and for resistance to insect pests, foliar diseases and parasitic weeds; sustainably intensifying production in maize- and wheat-based systems; and investigating opportunities to reduce micronutrient and protein malnutrition among women and young children.
African maize farmers get support to mitigate impact of poor soils
As the global community marks World Soil Day, African smallholder farmers are contending with low yields due to low-fertility soils prevalent in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa, affecting food security for 300 million people.
Of maize farmers, coming calves, waxing oxen, and comely camels
The gospel of ngamia. When despite drought, maize becomes a ‘source’ of farm labor and protein, with surplus sold to purchase a calf: “I got so much harvest, and yet I planted this seed very late, and with no fertilizer.”
New findings on gender gap in conservation agriculture
Interview with Clare Stirling, co-author of a new paper, reveals almost no conservation agriculture studies consider gender and gender relations as a factor that may explain low adoption rates.
Reviewing progress and impacts of two core maize projects as they wind up work in sub-Saharan Africa
Maintaining a diverse landscape in maize- and wheat-based systems to ensure a nutritious diet
Agriculture ministers support policies to achieve Africa’s growth potential
East and Southern African countries need to formulate and implement appropriate policies to help smallholder farmers access technologies.
CIMMYT is recognized for its role in strengthening Malawi’s maize seed system
CIMMYT receives an award in recognition of its efforts and contributions towards developing and strengthening Malawi’s maize seed system
Kenyan delegation visits CIMMYT for collaboration on nixtamalization
CIMMYT empowers a new generation of maize breeders in Zambia
CIMMYT conducted a training course in Zambia for maize breeders teaching modern maize breeding methods.
Drought-tolerant maize to the rescue as hunger threatens 1.5 million in Zimbabwe
CIMMYT and its partners are working to increase the productivity of maize-based farming systems to ensure food security and increase incomes.
Transforming maize farming failures to successes in Kenya’s drylands
KDV4 is one of the DT varieties sold in Kenya’s eastern drylands alongside other improved varieties, developed by CIMMYT.
SADC ambassadors hear how CIMMYT-SARO is helping to achieve regional food security
CIMMYT seed system specialist presents achievements in southern Africa food security to regional ambassadors in Harare, Zimbabwe.