Study calls for better understanding of fertilizer prices faced by African smallholder farmers
Scientists use spatial price prediction models to estimate local prices that might be more relevant than the national average.
Digitalizing African agriculture: paving the way to Africa’s progress through transforming the agriculture sector
AGRF 2019 discussed digital transformation as key driver of sustainable food systems in Africa.
CIMMYT research at the forefront of the digital revolution in African agriculture
New leaflet highlights digital innovations for Africa as researchers share insights at the African Green Revolution Forum 2019.
Exploring young Africans’ role and engagement in the rural economy
How important is farming relative to non-farm activities for the income of young rural Africans?
Harnessing maize biodiversity for food security, improved livelihoods in Africa
Diverse, stress tolerant maize varieties are benefiting smallholders throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
Millions of smallholders in Africa benefit from climate resilient drought-tolerant maize
At least 40 million smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are profiting from more than 200 new drought-tolerant varieties of maize.
Securing our daily bread: boosting Africa’s wheat production
Africa’s demand for wheat is being driven by population growth, urbanization, as well as from a growing female work force who prefer fast and easy to make wheat products, like bread or pasta.