World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Enhancing the resilience of our farmers and our food systems: global collaboration at DialogueNEXT
CIMMYT and the World Food Prize Foundation co-organized DialogueNEXT—Seeds of strength: Nurturing farmer resilience, held at CIMMYT headquarters in Mexico from 10 to 11 July 2024. The event brought together scientists, agribusiness leaders, farmers, and policymakers from over 200 organizations and 55 nations, to help shape global collaboration and strategies for sustainably producing nutritious food for all, within planetary boundaries.
Food systems that work for people and the environment
Climate change requires us to think differently about protecting nature while ensuring food security is a reality for all.
Agriculture for Peace platform launches at Borlaug Dialogue
Seven founding partners introduced Ag4Peace, a new initiative that aims to build resilient food systems and improve livelihoods and diets in low- and middle-income countries.