United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Soybean rust threatens soybean production in Malawi and Zambia
Soybean production in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to grow by over 2% per annum to meet the increasing demand. However, as production increases, significant challenges caused by diseases, pests, declining soil fertility, and other abiotic factors remain.
Tackling fall armyworm with sustainable control practices
Adopting sustainable and ecofriendly agricultural practices, sharing valuable knowledge, and providing farmers with effective tools and techniques can help mitigate the impact of fall armyworm in Zimbabwe.
Enhancing partnerships for agricultural development
AID-I Tanzania partners make plans to step up activity implementation, achieve wider impact, and build resilience for larger populations in 2024.
Peter Setimela
Afriseed: How improved legume seed can help transform Zambia’s agrifood systems
Afriseed and AID-I are helping smallholder famers in Zambia transition to improved, high-yielding legumes.
Transforming rural agriculture with improved seed and mechanization
Attended by over 1,300 smallholder farmers, the fourth edition of the CIMMYT seed and mechanization fairs held in Mwenezi and Masvingo districts linked farmers with private sector companies.
Strengthening seed systems with Zamseed
To improve food security in Zambia and Tanzania, CIMMYT and Zamseed join forces to strengthen maize resilience.
Exposing the potential of agricultural mechanization in India and Bangladesh
CSISA-MEA, with support from USAID, organized exposure visits to India for Bangladeshi farmers to encourage environmentally friendly practices and business expansion among ABLE enterprises.
CIMMYT at the Borlaug Dialogue
The 2023 Borlaug Dialogue showcased CIMMYT’s collaborations in Mozambique and innovative initiatives to address agricultural challenges in Southern Africa.
Early maturity products popular among farmers in Kenya
Kenyan farmers’ preference for early-maturing seed underscores the importance of sales data for informed breeding decisions.
Evaluating Agro-ecological Management Options for Fall Armyworm in Zimbabwe
Scaling up health diet seed kits in Zanzibar
Health diet seed kits are enhancing food and nutrition security in Zanzibar.