United States Agency for International Development (USAID)



tag icon Innovations

Meeting highlights new varieties, production growth and strengthened collaboration through Accelerating Genetic Gains in Maize and Wheat (AGG) project.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

A new initiative will monitor groundwater and will provide a framework for sustainable irrigation practices.


Varietal trait prioritization is important for balancing commercial realities and farmers’ diverse interests.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Cross-regional collaboration brings wheat blast protection to farmers in Bangladesh and Brazil.


tag icon Innovations

Partnership for mechanization bolsters economic prosperity in host communities near Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

CIMMYT and its partners worldwide continue to work on this complex challenge, so millions of smallholder farmers can protect their crops and feed their families.

Press releases

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Farmers could save costs and contribute to climate mitigation by adopting easy-to-access farming methods like better nitrogen management, intermittent irrigation, and strip tillage, study shows.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

CIMMYT’s decision to focus on APR genes versus race-specific genes (R-genes) protects the livelihoods of millions of smallholder wheat farmers throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America.


tag icon Capacity development

Fostering private sector engagement to develop and scale locally-produced hybrids seeds in Nepal.


tag icon Capacity development

Postgraduate students visit a hybrid maize seed company as part of drive to enhance partnerships between Nepal’s agricultural universities and the seed industry.


tag icon Innovations

CIMMYT scientists use high-powered drones and space satellite imagery to accelerate crop improvement, fight pests and diseases and help farmers make better crop management decisions.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Massive study of breeding lines across environments pinpoints genomic regions associated with yield potential and stress-resilience in bread wheat.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

A mock shop helps researchers understand how Kenyan farmers choose maize seed when their preferred varieties are out of stock.


tag icon Capacity development

Two-wheel tractors have replaced outdated farming tools, helping Ethiopian farmers reduce drudgery, improve productivity and increase their profits.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Digital platform provides information that will help increase crop productivity and improve soil health.