United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
MARPLE reaches South Asia
Capacity developmentNepali researchers get trained on rapid diagnostics tool and get ready to monitor yellow rust in the 2022/23 wheat season.
MAIZE partners announce a new manual for effectively managing maize lethal necrosis (MLN) disease
Environmental health and biodiversityThe manual builds on the lessons of a decade of work on MLN management in sub-Saharan Africa by CIMMYT and its partners.
Inspiring change through agricultural training: Women’s stories from Bangladesh
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionMore than 40% of the global agricultural labor force is made up of women, and in the least developed countries, two in three women are employed in farming.
New CIMMYT maize hybrid available from Eastern Africa highland breeding program
InnovationsCIMMYT is offering a new improved maize hybrid to partners, to scale up production for farmers in the region.
New endeavor fast-tracks the power of crop diversity for climate resilience
Climate adaptation and mitigationResearchers will source useful gene variations from CGIAR genebanks to develop climate-smart crops.
Being the change you wanted to see as a young girl
Capacity developmentAgricultural scientist Madhulika Singh shares her experience as the first woman in STEM in her family and in her society in Bihar, India.
Food Is Just as Vital as Oil to National Security
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: Bloomberg (7 Mar 2022)
A new Bloomberg op-ed urges nations to steer more money to organizations like CIMMYT that are advancing crucial research on how to grow more resilient wheat and maize crops in regions that are becoming steadily less arable.
CIMMYT scientist receives award for weed research
Environmental health and biodiversityRam Kanwar Malik named Honorary Member by the Weed Science Society of America for research on herbicide-resistant weed Phalaris minor affecting wheat crops.
Plant breeding innovations
Climate adaptation and mitigationOver millennia, natural selection and humans have systematically adapted the plant species that provide food and other vital products, changing their physical and genetic makeup for enhanced productivity, nutrition and resilience. Plant breeders apply science to continue improving crop varieties, making them more productive and better adapted to climate extremes, insects, drought and diseases.
New direction in research for advancing gender-responsive maize breeding
Capacity developmentResearch on gender and maize looks to move beyond trait preferences at seed demand more broadly.
New CIMMYT maize hybrids available from Eastern Africa Breeding Program
InnovationsCIMMYT is offering a new set of improved maize hybrids to partners, to scale up production for farmers in the region.
New publications: Genome-wide breeding to curtail wheat blast
Environmental health and biodiversityResearchers evaluate the use of genomic selection in wheat breeding against deadly fungal disease.