UK's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
Surveillance training to control wheat blast in Bangladesh
40 wheat pathologists, breeders and agronomists gathered to combat wheat blast at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) at Gazipur, Bangladesh.
CIMMYT scientist cautions against new threats from wheat rust diseases
Scientists are concerned over the proliferation of highly virulent fungal wheat diseases, including two new races of yellow rust and a new race of stem rust.
Wheat rust poses food security risk for global poor, says DFID’s Priti Patel
Wheat rust monitoring efforts are not only keeping the fast-spreading disease in check, but are deployed to manage other crop diseases, said a scientist at a scientific meeting in London.
Drought tolerant maize: Long-run science, investments, and partnerships pay off in Africa
Before climate change became a hot topic, the U.N. Development Programme provided funding for a team of scientists in Mexico to find a better way to breed resilient maize for farmers in drought-prone tropical areas.
Replacing gender myths and assumptions with knowledge
If we are to be truly successful in improving the lives of farmers and consumers in the developing world, we need to base our interventions on the best evidence available.
Ethiopia’s seed co-ops benefit entrepreneurs and smallholder farmers
Government-subsidized farmer-run cooperatives produce high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat seed, accelerating distribution and helping smallholder farmers grow healthy crops.