UK's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)


tag icon Innovations

Bottlenecks between basic and applied plant science jeopardize life-saving crop improvements.


tag icon Innovations

Research team behind revolutionary field test for wheat disease wins prestigious BBSRC prize.

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation
Senior Scientist - Wheat Breeder

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

A recent study in Ethiopia has concluded that encouraging biodiversity on and around agricultural land likely increases its productivity.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

There are now 290 new varieties of 12 biofortified crops – including maize, wheat and potatoes – being grown in 60 countries, reaching an estimated 10 million farming households.

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation
Country Representative for Research and Partnerships and Systems Agronomist

tag icon Capacity development

Winners of the Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career Award joined an on-going wheat research training course organized by CIMMYT.


tag icon Capacity development

More than 75,000 small-scale wheat farmers in Ethiopia’s 4 major wheat-growing regions gain access to a vital asset—over 400 tons of seed of new, disease resistant wheat varieties. 


tag icon Innovations

The first blast resistant wheat variety has been released in Bangladesh.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

As Bangladesh faces an extensive drought for the second year in a row, partnerships are working to strengthen drought monitoring programs to help farmers.