Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
Breaking Ground: Monica Mezzalama keeps vital check on seed health and biosafety
Plant pathology expert Monica Mezzalama shares on keeping biosafety and seed health in check at CIMMYT.
Wheat scientists eye USDA $3.4 million in new funds to boost yields
Scientists involved in a major global initiative aimed at increasing wheat yields as much as 60 percent by 2050 get a boost from U.S. government announcement of new research funds.
AAA hybrids move towards commercialization
PLC6 is a term used to refer to an advanced stage of hybrid testing at Syngenta, a partner of the Affordable, Accessible, Asian (AAA) Drought Tolerant Maize Project. Four hybrids, representing combinations of Syngenta and CIMMYT germplasm are currently at PLC6 in big plots at multiple locations. The trajectory of this process points to pilot marketing of a limited quantity of hybrid seed in 2016 and a full market launch in 2017.
Strengthening maize policies and public-private partnerships in Asia
Policies designed to promote maize industry growth require data and information, which is often difficult to obtain in Asian countries. This was discussed during the technical session on improving maize seed systems in Asia at the 12th Asian Maize Conference.
Partnership on maize lethal necrosis in Africa makes significant progress
Partners of the Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) project in Africa, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA), came together to review and discuss the progress and next steps for the project at a workshop on 14-15 May.