Mexico's Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER)


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

For the first time ever, a research team of more than 40 scientists has genetically characterized values of exotics in hexaploid wheat.

Press releases

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

The award supports initiatives that tackle food security challenges in Mexico through long-term solutions.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Indigenous farmers in Oaxaca are custodians of maize biodiversity, growing seeds passed down over generations.


tag icon Capacity development

Mexico’s Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) is committed to provide Mexican farmers with the best possible seed and technical support, according to Baltazar Hinojosa Ochoa, Mexico’s secretary of agriculture, during his first visit to the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) on May 6.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

As part of the efforts of the Sustainable Modernization of Traditional Agriculture program aimed at improving food security based on maize landraces in marginal areas of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Women and youth help lead efforts to adopt climate-friendly farming and safeguard indigenous maize yields.


tag icon Innovations

A new book from Columbia University Press offers social sector organizations a how-to guide on applying new and creative methods to solve complex problems.


tag icon Innovations

Scientist Kevin Pixley leads a project to catalogue 178,000 corn and wheat seeds at the CIMMYT seed bank near Mexico City.


tag icon Innovations

A new study examines how networks help spread new technologies and innovations in agriculture.


tag icon Innovations

Tending her own crops gives Carolina Camacho insights into the challenges farmers face that she could never have learned in a classroom.


tag icon Innovations

Access to genetic data can revolutionize research partnerships and lead to major benefits for crop breeders aiming to help smallholder farmers boost yields, says geneticist Cesar Petroli.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Scientists unlock evolutionary secrets of landraces through a study of allelic diversity, revealing more about the genetic basis of flowering time and how maize adapts to variable environments.


tag icon Innovations

Carolina Sansaloni’s passion for genetics began when she was at university in Argentina, an interest that grew as she moved on to receive her master’s and doctoral degrees in molecular biology.