Nepal's Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development
Power of data: To enhance food security
Source: The Himalayan Times (6 Nov 2020)
CIMMYT and Nepal’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development developed a digitally enabled seed information system so farmers have timely access to quality seed.
How do I become a zero-till farmer?
New online training takes farmers and service providers though a visual journey on the use of conservation agriculture-based sustainable intensification methods.
Gauging the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on farming communities and agribusinesses in Nepal
A survey conducted by CIMMYT researchers collected insights from over 200 key value-chain market actors.
Stripe rust hits wheat crop in Nepal
Source: Seed Quest (27 May 2020)
Nepal Agricultural Research Council and CIMMYT scientists suspect new races of stripe and leaf rust in the Nepal hills and terai in the recent 2020 wheat season.
Blast and rust forecast
New project to deliver wheat disease warnings directly to farmers’ phones in Bangladesh and Nepal.
Collective efforts to fight fall armyworm in Nepal
Stakeholders work together to strengthen systems for detecting, mitigating and managing the invasion of the destructive pest.
Ready for the seed sector
CIMMYT and partners revise Nepal’s seed science and technology curriculum, so university graduates are better equipped to join the industry’s work force.
Seed systems in Nepal are going digital
Digital seed information system will connect farmers to information and seed suppliers.
A major step toward seed self-sufficiency
Nepal boosts domestic maize hybrid seed production.
Nepal’s seed sector partners join forces to realize the National Seed Vision 2013-2025
Halfway into Nepal’s 12-year plan to boost seed systems, partners review progress and plan the best way to meet targets.
Improved access to finance can boost seed business in Nepal
The Nepal Seed and Fertilizer (NSAF) project is expanding its support to include finance, working with commercial banks to develop and expand access to innovative financial products for seed companies.
System uses plants to lure fall armyworm away from maize fields
Scientists in Nepal are evaluating push-pull cropping systems as a pest control method.
Looking forward, looking back
Partners from four countries reflect and plan ahead after five years of the SRFSI project.