Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC)
Cereal seed value chains in Nepal
A new study provides deeper insights into improving the performance of the country’s rice and maize seed value chains.
MARPLE reaches South Asia
Nepali researchers get trained on rapid diagnostics tool and get ready to monitor yellow rust in the 2022/23 wheat season.
Bending gender norms: women’s engagement in agriculture
On International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we spoke to Pragya Timsina about how women’s participation in agriculture is evolving across the Eastern Gangetic Plains and her findings which will be included in a paper coming out later this year: ‘Necessity as a driver of bending agricultural gender norms in South Asia’.
Hybrid seed production and marketing advances
Fostering private sector engagement to develop and scale locally-produced hybrids seeds in Nepal.
Hands-on experience in seed production
Postgraduate students visit a hybrid maize seed company as part of drive to enhance partnerships between Nepal’s agricultural universities and the seed industry.
Nepal launches digital soil map
Digital platform provides information that will help increase crop productivity and improve soil health.
Breaking Ground: Dyutiman Choudhary builds strong agribusinesses for sustainable economic growth
CIMMYT market development specialist works to strengthen the seed and fertilizer market systems and value chains in Nepal.
“Historic” release of six improved wheat varieties in Nepal
High-zinc and climate-resilient varieties poised to boost production for farmers and nutrition for consumers.
How do I become a zero-till farmer?
New online training takes farmers and service providers though a visual journey on the use of conservation agriculture-based sustainable intensification methods.
Stripe rust hits wheat crop in Nepal
Source: Seed Quest (27 May 2020)
Nepal Agricultural Research Council and CIMMYT scientists suspect new races of stripe and leaf rust in the Nepal hills and terai in the recent 2020 wheat season.
Blast and rust forecast
New project to deliver wheat disease warnings directly to farmers’ phones in Bangladesh and Nepal.
Collective efforts to fight fall armyworm in Nepal
Stakeholders work together to strengthen systems for detecting, mitigating and managing the invasion of the destructive pest.
Ready for the seed sector
CIMMYT and partners revise Nepal’s seed science and technology curriculum, so university graduates are better equipped to join the industry’s work force.