International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)


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tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Supporting a gradual, step-wise adoption of conservation agriculture — along with livestock and residue management, use of new crops and improved varieties, and appropriate mechanization — appears promising.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Evidence suggests conservation agriculture can maintain the sustainability of agri-food systems in regions impaired by soil salinity and sodicity.

In the media

tag icon Capacity development

Source: Agroinformación (22 Jun 2021)

At the 8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Martin Kropff argued that “agriculture cannot take a toll on the environment”, praising conservation agriculture for its contribution to building resilience to drought.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

FAO-led assessment details the pandemic’s impact on agri-food systems in Bangladesh and outlines possible recovery strategies.


tag icon Innovations

CIMMYT spatial economist studies how economic behavior varies across diverse geographical contexts, how smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa are evolving, and the need to revisit agricultural resources and policies accordingly.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Women in Malawi are inspiring the next generation of smallholder farmers to adopt climate-smart technologies.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Long-term research on climate-smart agriculture in Malawi has improved the productivity, resilience and prospects of Mary Twaya, a single mother of three.


tag icon Innovations

At the Africa Food Security Leadership Dialogue in Rwanda, experts and policymakers analyzed ways to address the continent’s food security crisis in the face of climate change.


tag icon Capacity development

How important is farming relative to non-farm activities for the income of young rural Africans?


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Scientists are working to catalyze local farming and help meet the rapidly rising regional demand wheat.


tag icon Capacity development

Projects are looking at scaling strategies to go beyond the numbers reached within a project and include sustainability and transformation.


tag icon Innovations

Development initiatives are only truly successful when participants graduate, adopt and leave.