Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (ICAR-CSSRI)
Advanced training on conservation agriculture focuses on creating sustainable agronomic systems
During the two-week training, jointly conducted by CIMMYT-BISA-ICAR, participants learned about innovative and cutting-edge research in conservation agriculture, visited industry, and interacted with farmers for first-hand impact.
Sustainability of rice production in the Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plains
Scientists determine nitrogen use could be reduced without impacting rice yields for sustainability of rice production in Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plains.
Researchers plan transformation of agrifood systems in South Asia
CGIAR Initiative will put nutrition first, to increase access to sustainable healthy diets, and will work with partners across the production-to-consumption spectrum.
A climate-smart remodeling of South Asia’s rice-wheat cropping is urgent
Multiple studies show conventional farming practices degrade soils, deplete aquifers and feed rampant greenhouse gas emissions.
Less water for better crops
Researchers explore how coupling automation with drip irrigation can enhance water use efficiency and productivity, especially in South Asia’s cereal-based systems.
Climate-smart strategy for weed management proves to be extremely effective
Results of an 8-year study show that weed density and diversity are greatly reduced when zero-tillage, drip-irrigation, and new crops are introduced to rice-wheat systems.
ICAR Organized “State Level Maize Day” in Haryana
Source: Krishi Jagran (15 Sep 2021)
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), together with CIMMYT and partners, organized a State Level Maize Day in the state of Haryana to discuss sustainable maize production systems for future generations.
Digital nutrient management tool reduces emissions, improves crop yields and boosts farmers’ profits
New research shows that the Nutrient Expert decision tool is better for farmers’ fields, extension services and the environment.
Solving South Asia’s sustainability issues will require a systems approach to crop management
New research shows that a portfolio of crop management practices can boost productivity while minimizing harm to the environment.