Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Raising wheat productivity across North Africa and West Asia
Wheat is a staple and strategic crop across most of North Africa and West Asia, accounting for almost 40 percent of the region’s total food supply.
China’s wheat production critical to global food security
China’s domestic agricultural activities are vital to ensuring food security for its 1.4 billion people and – as the world’s largest wheat producer – the country plays a major role in shaping international markets.
Celebrate World Food Day with CIMMYT on 16 October
Join CIMMYT in celebrating World Food Day on 16 October!
CIMMYT recognizes the International Day of Rural Women
15 October 2014 will mark the sixth celebration of the International Day of Rural Women, a United Nations (UN) day dedicated to recognizing “the critical role and contribution of rural women, including indigenous women, in enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security and eradicating rural poverty.”
Wheat area expansion faces a headwind requiring increased spending on R&D to raise yields
Over the last 50 years big increases in agricultural production have come through improved yields. Since 1990, wheat is the only major crop to experience an overall decline in area.
Upcoming: 12th Asian Maize Conference
In Asia, maize production is growing at a faster rate than any other cereal. The demand for maize has grown in response to changing consumer habits; with greater demand for meat in consumers’ diets, maize is in high demand as feed for the growing livestock sector. At the same time, there remains great opportunity to increase the area under maize production in the region, as well as tremendous opportunities for innovations in crop improvement, management and diversification.
Kenyan government officials visit MLN screening facility
Maize lethal necrosis (MLN) disease, which can cause up to 100 percent yield loss on farmers’ fields, is threatening this source of food and livelihoods for many in the country. Because of this, 40 county officials, including County Executive Committee (CEC) officials who are responsible for agriculture in Kenya’s devolved government structure, visited the CIMMYT MLN Screening Facility in Naivasha, Kenya on 5 August.
Wheat is not a “rich man’s crop”
Wheat productivity must first increase in developing countries, where yield gaps continue to be unacceptably high.