Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Poor soils a huge limitation for Africa’s food security
Today, Berlin, Germany, hosts soil scientists from across the world who have converged for the Global Soil Week (GSW) to find solutions for sustainable land governance and soil management. Farmers and other stakeholders in agriculture are keen to see outcomes that will translate into healthier soils for sustainable development in Africa and elsewhere.
Green manures help Zambian and Malawian farmers feed crops and livestock
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has tasked CIMMYT with a new project to introduce green manure cover crops to smallholder farmers in eastern Zambia and central and southern Malawi.
Malawi Principal Secretary praises CIMMYT contributions to climate change adaptation
Malawi’s Principal Secretary for Agriculture, Erica Maganga, led a delegation of Government Principle Secretaries and seed company representatives to Mpilisi and Ulongue in Balaka District on 11 March to observe progress in conservation agriculture (CA) adoption, as part of the country’s Agriculture Sector Wide Approach Program (ASWAP).
No scientific basis for criticism of wheat as a food staple, nutritionist says
A nutritionist wants to dispel myths generated by claims that the protein found in wheat is unhealthy.
‘Gluten-free’ diets put food security, human health at risk – nutritionist
Complete removal of wheat from the human diet would further cripple global efforts to feed the current global population of 7.2 billion, said Julie Miller Jones, a leading nutritionist.
Highlights of the 12th Asian Maize Conference
The 12th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on “Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security” convened in Bangkok, Thailand from 31 October to 1 November 2014.
Updated Web Wheat Atlas 3.0 prioritizes user experience
Whether you are a scientist, a researcher or simply interested in learning more about the vital staple crop that provides 20 percent of the world’s calories, the Wheat Atlas can help.
Global wheat-rust research aids Ethiopian farmers
The 2014 World Food Prize laureate, Sanjaya Rajaram’s adaptable, high-yielding wheat varieties are grown on more than 58 million hectares worldwide.
Research on climate-resilient wheat keeps Green Revolution on track
As the global population grows from a current 7 billion to a projected 9.6 billion by 2050, wheat breeders involved in the battle to ensure food security face many challenges.
12th Asian Maize Conference
The 12th Asian Maize Conference is taking place in Bangkok from 30 October to 1 November, bringing together more than 350 leading agricultural researchers, policy-makers, farmers and service providers from across the public and private sectors.