Cornell University
Retrospective quantitative genetic analysis and genomic prediction of global wheat yields
A new quantitative genetics study makes a strong case for the yield testing strategies CIMMYT uses in its wheat breeding program.
Wheat researchers to gather for October virtual event
Source: World Grain (27 Aug 2020)
Experts from around the world will meet to discuss the most pressing challenges facing global wheat security.
Supporting smallholder farmers to better combat drought
CSISA project suggests pathways to remove barriers inhibiting full use of groundwater irrigation infrastructure in Nepal’s Terai region.
New analysis to help in creating yellow rust resistant wheat
Source: World Grain (15 Jul 2020)
CIMMYT scientists perform large genome-wide association study in India, Kenya and Mexico to understand yellow rust resistance in wheat.
Conservation agriculture key to better income, environment protection: Study
Source: The Hindu Business Line (17 Apr 2020)
New study in India reports conservation agriculture increases crop yield and income, reduces the use of natural resources, and offers climate benefits.
Conservation agriculture key in meeting UN Sustainable Development Goals
New analysis shows benefits of conservation agriculture to crop performance, water efficiency and climate action in South Asia.
Crossing boundaries
Looking at wheat diseases in times of the COVID-19 crisis.
Agricultural solutions to tackle humanity’s climate crisis
Science offers opportunity to curb greenhouse gas emissions related to agriculture and meet climate goals.
First steps taken to unify breeding software
Experts work together at hackathon to develop Enterprise Breeding System that can serve CGIAR organizations and national agricultural research programs.
Scientists develop an early warning system that delivers wheat rust predictions directly to farmers’ phones
New research describes a revolutionary early warning system that can predict and mitigate wheat rust diseases in Ethiopia.
Agriculture and sustainability: the contribution of microsatellites
Source: Donne del Food (16 Oct 2019)
Study by CIMMYT, Stanford and Cornell shows microsatellites can contribute to sustainable increase of food production.
The man who fed the world
BBC radio show Witness History focuses on the life and work of Norman Borlaug.
Spurt in stubble burning in Pakistan raises heat in Punjab
Source: Hindustan Times (11 Oct 2019)
CIMMYT and Cornell study states the health risks of pollution caused by stubble burning.
Microsatellite data can help double impact of agricultural interventions
Researchers argue data from small satellites can help target agricultural interventions to locations where impact will be greatest.
Scientist Bekele Abeyo details research in Africa with BBC
In an interview for BBC Newsday, Abeyo explained African countries’ potential to boost wheat production, and how CIMMYT is helping.