Warmer night temperatures reduce wheat yields in Mexico, scientists say
International gathering highlights cutting edge efforts to improve yields, nutrition, and climate change resilience of a globally vital staple food.
Alternatives to burning can increase Indian farmers’ profits and cut pollution, new study shows
Published in Science, the article provides evidence for national policies that block stubble burning and promote no-till mechanization to manage crop residues.
CRP Maize Annual Report 2018
In 2018, MAIZE delivered development outcomes and impacts through varietal release, scale-up, delivery and adoption of climate-resilient and nutritionally enriched maize varieties.
CRP Wheat Annual Report 2018
WHEAT’s achievements in 2018 made an invaluable contribution to global food security, especially for the 2.5 billion people who depend on wheat for their livelihoods.
New CIMMYT pre-commercial hybrids available from Asia maize breeding programs
CIMMYT is offering a new set of improved maize hybrids to partners in South and South East Asia and similar agro-ecological zones, to scale up production for farmers in these areas.
CIMMYT and CGIAR staff join Ethiopia’s record-breaking tree-planting campaign
People across the country planted more than 350 million trees in a day to fight deforestation and climate change.
Cobs & Spikes podcast: Interview with Juan Gonzalo Jaramillo Mejia on social inclusion
Taking a social inclusion lens to social protection and the role of men in gender equality.
New publications: A study of water markets in Bangladesh
Researchers analyze irrigation service providers to understand how different business models and pump types affect pricing and water conservation.
Scientist Bekele Abeyo details research in Africa with BBC
In an interview for BBC Newsday, Abeyo explained African countries’ potential to boost wheat production, and how CIMMYT is helping.
The new challenges of wheat improvement
In an interview for BBC Newsday, CIMMYT senior scientist Velu Govindan spoke of today’s challenges for wheat breeders.
Int’l Wheat Congress: Bangladesh’s success sung in Saskatoon
Source: Dhaka Tribune (24 Jul 2019)
With CIMMYT support, Bangladesh developed blast resistant wheat in the quickest possible time.
New manual provides quantitative approach to drought stress phenotyping
The manual covers field site selection, effects of weather, crop management and other factors to standardize the required intensity, timing and uniformity of imposed drought stress during field trials.
Precision spreader for fertilizer set to change the agriculture scene in Nepal
The small hand-operated device, which ensures the even distribution of fertilizer, could support food production, nutrition, and even the incorporation of women to farming.
What farmers want
In demonstration plots in Kenya, smallholder farmers evaluate and rank maize varieties according to their preferred traits — a feedback that is crucial to CIMMYT’s maize breeding work.
More with less: Research for intensified food production with scarcer resources and heating climates
How plant breeding helps to feed the world.