CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM)
New publications: Caste-gender intersectionalities in wheat-growing communities in Madhya Pradesh, India
Study reveals gaps and interactions between caste, gender and agricultural decision-making.
Supporting the growth of local maize seed industries: Lessons from Mexico
Small local seed businesses are considered key to getting new maize hybrids into farmers’ hands and, ultimately, to meeting global food security goals. MasAgro, a partnership between CIMMYT and Mexico’s Department of Agriculture, offers key insights into what has worked and some major challenges that remain.
Buying into new seed
A mock shop helps researchers understand how Kenyan farmers choose maize seed when their preferred varieties are out of stock.
Taking stock of value chain development
Assessing the approach’s potential and limitations for strengthening the livelihoods of the rural poor, a new book draws conclusions applicable across the development field.
Breaking Ground: Jordan Chamberlin avidly explores the changing landscapes of Africa
CIMMYT spatial economist studies how economic behavior varies across diverse geographical contexts, how smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa are evolving, and the need to revisit agricultural resources and policies accordingly.
Crop and bio-economic modeling for an uncertain climate
The potential impact of climate change on agriculture and the complexity of possible adaptation responses require the application of new research methods and tools to develop adequate strategies, writes Gideon Kruseman.