Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA)
CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa
CIMMYT leads innovation sprint to deliver results to farmers rapidly
Climate-resilient soil fertility management by smallholders in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Groundnut ESA crop improvement network sets regional and country level priorities
Significant discoveries have been made for the potential improvement of production of groundnut in sub-Saharan Africa.
New CGIAR Initiative to catalyze resilient agrifood systems in eastern and southern Africa
The Ukama Ustawi Initiative will help millions of vulnerable smallholders in 12 countries transition from maize-mixed systems to sustainably intensified, diversified, and de-risked agrifood systems.
CIMMYT and IITA collaborate to increase adoption of conservation agriculture in southern Africa
New project will research and promote the adoption of sustainable farming method and practices.
Equal and climate-smart
Women in Malawi are inspiring the next generation of smallholder farmers to adopt climate-smart technologies.
Nurture soil as our food and climate insurance
Soil conservation means food security for farmers in Malawi.
Scaling out climate-smart agriculture in southern Africa
A new series of infographics outlines the challenges that must be addressed in order to scale adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in southern Africa.
Pulses, cobs and a healthy soil prove the success of a rural innovator
Long-term research on climate-smart agriculture in Malawi has improved the productivity, resilience and prospects of Mary Twaya, a single mother of three.
Smallholder wheat production can cut Africa’s costly grain imports
Scientists are working to catalyze local farming and help meet the rapidly rising regional demand wheat.