Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


tag icon Innovations

The release of 31 wheat varieties brings Pakistan closer to self-suffiency in wheat production.


tag icon Capacity development

Wheat researchers, government extension agents, and policy makers gather in Bangladesh to develop their skills in pathology, breeding, agronomy, integrated disease management and agricultural extension technologies.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Crop simulation models predict that climate change will lower global wheat production by 2050 in Africa and South Asia, where food security is already threatened.


tag icon Capacity development

Smallholder farmers increasingly benefit as the younger generation adopts mechanization and sustainable agri-technologies.


Laboratory Research Technician

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Delegates travelled to South Asia to witness the success of a collaboration which is combatting wheat blast disease in Bangladesh and for other wheat growing nations.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Breeding Lead, Dryland Legumes and Cereals

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Scientists and stakeholders in Africa are co-designing a network approach to improve and expand dryland crops value chains in the continent.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Upgraded technology at the KALRO research station will optimize breeding and seed systems’ work so that scientists can provide better varieties to farmers.


tag icon Capacity development

The CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence releases two reports on a framework for informing crop breeding and future market segments for hybrid maize.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

A hotter planet was devastating wheat yields in one of India’s poorest but most fertile states. Researchers looked at the agricultural system as a whole to find a promising path forward.