Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Ten years later: CIMMYT facilities in East Africa continue to make a difference
A decade of maize impact, celebrating 10 years of success with CIMMYT’s maize DH and MLN screening facilities.
CIMMYT Ethiopia signs MoU with key private food processor to bolster durum wheat market
CIMMYT Ethiopia aiming to reinvigorate durum wheat production in the country to address market challenges faced by farmers.
Integrating gender into crop breeding
Innovative approaches to incorporating gender considerations into Seed Production Technology for Africa.
India transforms wheat for the world
Building on a partnership spanning more than five decades, Indian and CIMMYT wheat scientists, policymakers and farmers forge a transformation path, applying innovations that ensure national food security and resource conservation.
Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization: efficiency, inclusiveness, and resilience
CIMMYT continues its dedication to mechanization as part of FAO conference. Bram Govaerts, director general, presented a keynote address.
Conservation agriculture helps smallholder farmers to be more resource efficient
A village in the Indian state of Bihar boasts 100% zero-till technology adoption, helping improve agriculture production and climate change mitigation.
Building technical capacity for emerging agri-research science and big data management
New collaborative survey on local cropping systems provides rural work experience for students at Chaudhury Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University.