Since the term climate-smart agriculture (CSA) was coined in 2010, the biannual global science conferences on CSA have emerged as the key global forum for scientific exchange to underpin CSA implementation.
The conference will build on the lessons from the previous conferences, with the overarching theme, “Transforming food systems under a changing climate,” and will be held for the first time in Asia.
CIMMYT researchers will be participating in the conference and speaking on these topics:
- Tripti Agarwal, Project Administrator, India
“Innovative approaches to gender mainstreaming for accelerating adoption of climate smart agriculture in smallholder systems” - Nitya Chanana, Consultant, India
“Role of women farmer-led institutions in scaling out Climate Smart Agriculture in smallholder farming systems” - M.L. Jat, Principal Scientist, India
“Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Development Goals: A meta-analysis from South Asia” - Arun Khatri Chhetri, Scientist, India
“Climate Investment Model Under Multi-Objective Agriculture Growth Model” - Timothy J. Krupnik, Senior Scientist and Systems Agronomist, Bangladesh
“Data science to support climate smart agriculture in South Asia: How can crucial data gaps be filled with big data stacks?; Deriving country-level greenhouse gas emission and mitigation opportunities using big data from small crop and livestock farms in Bangladesh” - Paresh Shirsath, Associate Scientist, India
“Assessing Climate Smartness of Solar Powered Irrigation Systems” - Shalika Vyas, Consultant, India
“Central Catastrophic Reinsurance for agricultural growth in India; Ease of doing adaptation and mitigation in agriculture: Can NDCs keep up to the promise?”