Damage from insects and other arthropods costs farmers and consumers many millions of dollars annually. Host-plant resistance is one management tool that can be and has been used to limit damage and loss from pest arthropods. The International Plant Resistance to Insects working group is an affiliation of researchers and practitioners that are advancing the development and use of plants with resistance to insects and other arthropods.
The 24th Biannual International Plant Resistance to Insects (IPRI) Workshop will take place at CIMMYT, Texcoco, Mexico, on 2-4 March 2020. IPRI has been held biennially since 1974.
This conference will cover major topics of host plant resistance to arthropods, including Mechanisms of Resistance, Phenotyping Methodologies, Breeding for Resistance and Plant-Arthropod Interactions.
Registration deadline: September 30, 2019.
More information: https://ipri24.cimmyt.org/