Southern Africa AID-I Rapid Delivery Hub is working with last-mile delivery partners to contribute to building resilience among smallholder farmers. Enhanced resilience ensures smallholder farmers are more food secure by selecting, producing, and utilizing their agrarian produce more sustainably.
After harvest, smallholder farmers suffer substantial food losses that threaten food and nutrition security, estimated at 30%, due to poor post-harvest management. Knowledge of pre- and postharvest technologies and appropriate storage facilities for cereal and legume handling and distribution can mitigate the incidence of postharvest deterioration and therefore improve food and nutrition security.
About the event
Southern Africa AID-I Rapid Delivery Hub will hold a virtual field day on Thursday, July 6, 2023, at 10:00-11:30, CAT (GMT+2).
The objectives of the virtual field day are the promotion of improved post-harvest technologies and contribution to minimizing post-harvest food and nutrition losses; raise awareness of AID-I last mile delivery activities on post-harvest management to a broader audience; stimulate partnerships and shared learning; create a platform for dialogue on post-harvest technologies and related policy environments.

How can I participate? This will be a dual mode event, with in-person participation and a virtual broadcast/webinar. Please register for the event via Zoom.